A review by thosemedalingkidsss
Good Enough to Eat by Alison Grey, Jae


No for me. The plot of the book is the vampire heroine going to AA to get help for her addiction to blood. She tries to drink synthetic blood, and the biggest conflict there is that it tastes yucky, and that it costs more than sucking the blood of a human walking around, surprise surprise.

The human heroine she meets in AA becomes her sponsor, and it felt like this book both took parts of addiction/AA seriously, while also making a joke of it? Why is the human heroine on the cover holding a glass of wine? Come on. The vampire parents pressure her into quitting AA and want her to give up her morales. She gets into a sexual and emotional relationship with her sponsor. Why.

Also the metaphors of comparing synthetic (animal) blood to vegetarian meals makes me think of Twilight, which is also name dropped in here lol.

Both leads were simultaneously one dimensional and also kind of awful, and boring? Hard one for me to get into.