A review by lostlenore_
The Once and Future Witches by Alix E. Harrow


Alix E. Harrow's writing is spellbinding and I'd love to read another book by her. However, this one, despite its exciting premise and amazing Audible narrator, failed to meet my expectations because of its flatness, and the too many pages it needed to establish facts and conflict.
There's a big possibility, fortunately, or not, for long books to fail to catch your attention when you listen to them because their second act causes the story to lose momentum. This is exactly what happened with TOAFW and why I had to speed up my app to listen to it as fast as I can, losing lots of info that, at the very end of the story, were simply not so useful to be aware of.
This is a book that you either love or feel completely nothing about, and I'm certainly choosing the second option. I really wanted to love this one but the superficial plot points, the flatness of the middle part and the lost momentum didn't ease my experience at all.