A review by hebberelle
A Night to Surrender by Tessa Dare


DNF at 23%. This book is actually OFFENSIVE. I could not believe what I was reading. The fact that the main character is looking for Real Men was the first clue, but then the book just flushes itself down the toilet after that. The blacksmith who can't be a Real Man because he's making pretty hinges? The vicar who likes pew cushions? The tavern owner who makes tea cakes because the village is actually FULL OF WOMEN... None of them are REAL MEN. But Bram, he's a Real Man. He can think of nothing but steak and sex and war. He treats everyone in the village like dogs and shits on anything remotely feminine.. Sounds like a real winner, I can't wait to read more about that guy! Ohhhhhhhh wait, I can. Delete.