A review by jackiehorne
Match Me If You Can by Susan Elizabeth Phillips


I often have mixed feelings about SEP books, but this one really made me uncomfortable. Some takeaway messages:

• To start your book off with a bang, make your heroine an insecure screw-up and make sure you mess up her clothes and make her late for an important appointment
• It's ok if your family denigrates and insults you, as long as they love you (you, of course, being a woman)
• Men who work too hard have to fall in love and they'll learn to scale back; women who work too hard have to have their careers destroyed, their sexual preference for dominant men confirmed, and be forced to appear in public in an embarrassing physical predicament in order to reform (but of course we'll take it all back in a feel-good epilogue)
• Men don't like to read; the rare odd one who does can't be in the all-women's book club because he'd throw off the "dynamic"
• You shouldn't worry too much about your clothes, girls, but reading about them is definitely worth your time
• All girl-children like princess parties, especially when all the dresses are pink

Yeah, I know it's supposed to be funny. But so much of the humor rests on gender stereotypes that I just didn't find myself laughing...