A review by eesh25
The Langoliers by Stephen King


The Langoliers is a story with many genres. I always find such stories particularly interesting, especially when an urban fantasy novel has scientific elements. It adds another layer, in my opinion, to how believable something is. Also, science fiction is just fun.

This is about a flight on which something strange happens. Almost everyone on the flight disappears except for eleven people. And it's up to these people to figure out what the hell happened. And to deal with all the problems that they come across throughout the story. Believe me, there are several of them.

...And that's all I'm saying about the synopsis. There's a lot to learn about what's going on. But it's all in the form of revelations or things the characters figure out. So saying more than I have so far would feel like I'm spoiling everything. I don't wanna do that, at all, because this is a very interesting story. I didn't find it particularly horror-like, but it kept me intrigued and, often, on the edge of my seat.

One way that was done was by the number of questions there were about what had happened. Also, every question that got answered usually led to another question. Plus, there were the characters.

Out of the eleven survivors, seven were more important than the others. There was Dinah, a blind eight-year-old whose aunt had disappeared; Brian, a pilot flying to his ex-wife's funeral; as well as Nick, Laurel, Albert, Bob and Craig. All of them had a role to play in resolving the predicament the passengers found themselves in. Though, it's not that the others were insignificant. They just didn't have as prominent a role to play. The seven "main characters" were also better developed. And most of them, I really liked.

Another thing I like—loved—was the sci-fi element. I can't tell you what it was, but it has been done before. Just not in this particular way. It's the first time that this trope/theme has made sense to me, at least in terms of believability. It was so cool.

Now, I’ve run out of words. I don't know what else to write without giving things away. In fact, I might review the next two stories together if I don't have much to say again. For this one, I'd heard it's the best of the four. Also, I've been so busy this last week that it's all I've managed to read. Hopefully, the review wasn't too bad. Because this is a great story, and one I'd recommend.