A review by fearoflung
The Way We Fall by Megan Crewe


The Way We Fall is told in a series of journal entries and letters written by a girl who is trapped on her island home which has been quarantined due to the outbreak of a strange and deadly virus. Life on the island grows more and more perilous as the citizens begin to raid stores and houses, stealing everything they can find and shooting those that appear to them to be ill. As Kaelyn tries to hold her small family together through the increasingly dangerous conditions on the island, she investigates the virus in an attempt to find the link between the handful that have survived in the hopes that there might be a way to keep those who still live from joining the piles of dead.

I really enjoyed this book. The writing style was very easy to read and interesting. I have gotten to where I really love books written in first person. I sometimes feel like I can connect with the character better if I can get inside their head. Since it was written in the form of letters and journal entries, I felt like I had stumbled upon someone’s actual diary and was reading through it. I liked that there were times where the narrative drops off as Kaelyn stops writing for various reasons then picks it up again.

I loved the way that the story progressed. It felt like a movie to me. I could see everything very clearly as it was described. It seemed very realistic to me how the sickness started out infecting a couple of people, then a few, then several, and on until suddenly it seemed like there were more people in the hospital than outside. The story had an overall eerie tone to it. I was always a little on edge, wondering who was going to get sick next, if raiders were going to attack the house, etc.

I liked the main character well enough. There were times when she pestered me, but over all, she was reasonably intelligent and tried her hardest to do her part to help the people on the island. She was a very realistic character. She made mistakes and had to work to become stronger unlike some characters that seem to just jump right from being normalish to being these big tough leaders. I did have a problem with her love interest in the book. He was just way, way too perfect. He whined all the time about how he should have done more to help people, how he should have done more to protect Kaelyn, and blah, blah, blah when he was already doing a whole lot more than most people. He completely understood and did not get mad while Kaelyn flip-flopped between wanting to be near him and wanting to protect him by keeping him at a distance. I would have liked it better if he had not whined so much and if he had at least gotten a little irritated at her for what she was doing.

Overall, I enjoyed the book and am very interested in reading more from Megan Crewe! If you want an easy read with a face paced, eerie storyline about an epidemic throwing a island community into doom and chaos then pick up this book!