A review by bookbriefs
Get Real by Tellulah Darling


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I love Tellulah Darling so much. I am such a big fan of her mythology series, the Blooming Goddess series. But sometimes you never know what to expect when you read something totally different from an author. Get Real is a new adult urban fantasy romance and I am here to say...it was SO. FREAKIN'. GOOD!! This is on my list of top 2015 reads. Get Real is one of those books that made me totally unsociable and rude. I flat out ignored people to keep reading. If you like your paranormals or urban fantasy with a heavy side of romance, Get Real is the perfect book for you.

Get Real puts us in the international world of cads, or people with magical abilities. These abilities generally fall into one of 5 (or 6) categories, with people in each category have particular sub-strengths and gifts. These gifts point them in the direction that their schooling will take place. Get Real is the story of Francesca, a fiery Italian "good girl" that comes from a very prestigious healer family. Only problem is, Frankie doesn't want to be a healer. She wants to use her ability to manipulate bio matter to become a boiler, a law enforcement field agent. The other side of the equation is Rafael, who has a really cool power (nope not telling) and he just wants to make it on his own, and not his father's name. Frankie and Rafael have a fiery bantering relationship, which I could just not get enough of. I loved that their romance was front and center throughout Get Real, but at the same time it didn't compete with the awesome action story that was taking place.

See, Rafael and Frankie get sucked from Europe to New York by some unknown force, right before their induction into adult training. Which leads them into the bulk of the action of the story. I love how fast paced and intense their fight was to figure out what was going on with Minna, the mysterious girl they think is behind it all. Minna reminded me of Jason of the X-men. That should give you some idea of how crazy the book could turn at any moment.

I love the powers aspect of Get Real, but the real star of this book was the clash of personalities between Rafael and Frankie. And their romance of course. I know this may seem kind of strange, but I also really liked that she was Italian and he was Spanish. Normally you only see one accent in a couple, but here we had two! And each one of them thought the other's accent was cute. It was all totally adorable to me. I cannot say enough good things about Get Real. It has one of the best romances I have seen in a new adult paranormal or fantasy. The storyline is utterly engaging and the writing is perfect. Everyone needs to read this book. Tellulah Darling is a fantastic writer. One of the best books I have read this year.

This review was originally posted on Book Briefs