A review by eesh25
Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman


The book is set in London. At first, it's just the normal London of the time the book was published. Then strange events take place involving the main character, Richard Mayhew, finding a girl bleeding on the street and taking her to his place to help. The girl, named Door, is from an alternate London. Kind of. It's actually the London that resides below the one we know. Literally below, in the tunnels and sewers and stuff. No one from London Above knows about this other London. They aren't even able to notice anyone from there. But Richard does, and it turns his life upside down.

We follow Richard on a journey through London Below. And, without giving away too much, you can expect travels through dark and gross placed trying to evade two very skilled murderers while looking for answers. Also, a lot of grossness because one of the antagonists keeps eating the most disgusting things, and Gaiman insists on writing about them, in detail. Plus there the whole 'sewers' thing.

The protagonist is... not an interesting person. And I don't mean that in a good or bad way. He's simply the most normal person you could imagine who's been thrust into this bizarre world, and he has no clue what to do. And sure, we've seen the just-an-ordinary-girl/boy trope countless times, but never before has it felt this true. It's quite refreshing to see. His mundanity makes the peculiarities of London Below starker than ever. The poor guy is in a constant state of freaked-out. I felt so bad for him the entire time.

Overall, this was a really strange and interesting read. I enjoyed the eerie and cold tone the book had, and we got some great side-characters. I'd definitely recommend checking it out, and I'm looking forward to what Gaiman will do with the sequel.