A review by lalabristow
Pray for Dawn by Jocelynn Drake


*Contains spoiler if you haven’t read the previous books in the series.
**4 and a half stars!

I have been a fan of this Dark Urban Fantasy written by Jocelynn Drake ever since I read the first book a while back. This series has only gotten better with each book and the stakes just keep getting higher and higher.

Mira is a Nightwalker, in other words, she’s a Vampire and has been one for centuries. After so many years and seeing so many deaths, she is wary when it comes to caring about other people and prefers to keep to herself.

Danaus is a Vampire hunter, pure and simple, he hates Nightwalkers and wish the world was rid of them. That is, until months ago when he met Mira and realized that there was much more to the woman than being a killer.

The real villains in this series are the Naturi that in the last book have finally escaped their many centuries old prison and are looking to rid the world of humans and Vamps alike. The Naturi are beings that remind me of creepy and scary Fae, they are connected to Nature and the planet, they believe we have ruined Earth, so they feel we need to be destroyed. Nice, huh?

Pray For Dawn is a breath of fresh air in this great series. Jocelynn Drake changes things up by giving us a whole book told in Danaus point of view and gives a more in depth look into the hunter’s psyche.

After three books told from Mira’s eyes, it was great to see how Danaus sees the world and more importantly it was great to witness at first hand his conflicting feelings towards out dear heroine.

Pray For Dawn is non stop action with a a plot that will keep you on the edge of your seat from page one. I really don’t want to give you guys any spoilers, but know that if you enjoy this series, this is a MUST read. If you are new to this series, what the heck is wrong with you?

This is an absolute MUST read for any Urban Fantasy fan out there! The ending left me gasping and I am just glad that the next book, Wait For Dusk comes out July 27th and will be told from Mira’s POV again =)