A review by noellelovesbooks
The Dragon Knight's Beloved Vol. 2 by Asagi Orikawa, Ritsu Aozaki

lighthearted fast-paced


 Content Warnings: Mention of murder [via poison] and kidnapping

I adore Melissa and her interaction with the dragons, I also love learning all the dragon/dragon knight lore, but I’m feeling somewhat squeamish about the age gap between Melissa and Hubert. As I’ve been out of the manga game a while I forgot how prevalent age gaps can be within the genre.

It would also probably be relatively easy to forget about except when, in this volume, Melissa says something along the lines of growing up she considered Hubert like a father and brother and now she’s developing feelings for him. First, this statement confused me because she did grow up with both her parents, granted they were busy working in the castle but they were still there. It would have made more sense to me if she would have said growing up she considered Hubert a mentor since he did teach her everything she knows about dragons but comparing him to a father figure or brother? Sit’s weird with me.

Other than that awkward statement I did enjoy this volume. I’m not sure if I’ll continue with this series, perhaps it’s just not a fit for me, but I’m going to give it one more volume to wow me. I really do love the history and lore set in this book I just wish there wasn’t a big age gap, on top of the power imbalance, between the two characters.