A review by beyondevak
Butt-dialing the Billionaire by Annika Martin


Quick Summary: A blonde and a billionaire fusion romance

My Review: Butt-dialing the Billionaire by Annika Martin is book 7 in the Billionaires of Manhattan series.

About the Book:

After a hilariously awkward mishap happens at work, things take a turn for a fun-loving, always see the bright side woman. As a result, she and her coworkers make a secret pact to stand together in an effort to not out the guilty party who caused the comedic chaos. Soon, a 90s reject with fluttering heart potential shows up and does everything he can to disarm the culprit. Ironically, he got a bit more than he bargained for when he tried to investigate the matter.

My Final Say: This was a delightful rom-com. It was funny, it had spunk, and it had emo-gro transformation. Readers who enjoy books with likable characters who excel despite the many hardships and challenges they've faced in their lives will love this novel.

Rating: 4/5
Recommend: Yes
Audience: A
Re-read: Yes
Series: Yes
