A review by camillaisa
Talk Bookish to Me by Kate Bromley


Ugh, this book is PAINFULLY American (*derogatory*)…

Everything is so superficial, and the FMC is super annoying. She’s, like, sooo unique and not at all like other girls, except she’s like every other basic white girl ever, right down to her shallow insecurities. 🙄 For half the book I was thinking Cara was not even close to good enough for Ryan, but then we got to the third-act breakup, and yeah, no. They’re both trash. 

Also, the book excerpts that Cara supposedly writes are terrible, and they serve no purpose in the book besides being aggravating. 

I regret not DNFing this book; that’s several hours of my life I’ll never get back. I could’ve read a book that’s actually good.