A review by see_sadie_read
Ghost by Carole Cummings

I'm not going to write individual reviews for each of these books, because though I understand they are split up to avoid a 900 page epic and each does come to a relatively natural stopping point, it is undeniably one single story and any individual book would be most unsatisfactory on its own. So, they are not stand-alones! But since I read them as a bundle I'll rate/review them as one. Even as I acknowledge that if I'd only had the first I likely wouldn't rate it so high, considering its lack of conclusion.

But as a single story I really enjoyed it. It's tragic and complex and redemptive all at the same time. I loved Fen and Kamen, as well as Kamen's whole team and Fen's family. The world is complex and multi-demential and the peoples are varied.

I did occasionally, especially in climactic scenes, wonder how things that happened happened. I often knew what was happening, but felt I missed the explanation of how it was happening. How someone suddenly had control of another or caused a certain something to occur, etc. Similarly, sometimes things that were meant to be cryptic to the characters were also a little too cryptic to the reader. But all in all I loved it.