A review by alice_digest
iZombie, Vol. 1: Dead to the World by Chris Roberson


I'm quite new to this whole comic book thing - although I'm loving it! - And it probably would have taken me a while to find this one if it hadn't been the for the TV series that just started last week (the TV series seems to have used the title but little else). If I'd ever come across a synopsis that said 'female, zombie, solving crimes' I'd have been sold immediately! I picked this up in the 50% off Comixology sale, and I really wish I'd got the others before the sale ended! (This comic book habit is expensive and I'll be broke if I don't stop)

So Gwen is undead and she works as a gravedigger to allow access to a monthly munch on some brains (without killing) else she'll turn into a mindless monster. When she eats the brains she takes on the memories of the dead person, and this time it’s a guy who was murdered so she agrees to help him get some vengeance. Her best friend is a sixties ghost and they also hang out with an adorable were-terrier named Scott who has a big crush on Gwen.

It's completely light and fluffy but I loved it! Gwen is great, I loved her and her sense of humour (I can totally see why Rob Thomas picked this up for his TV show because she is channelling a bit of dry sarcastic Veronica in there!). There are also paint balling vampires, and of course (totally cute) monster hunters out there to avoid.

It's fun, it's funny and it's light! Man I wish I had more money. My birthday book list is getting LONG.