A review by novelheartbeat
Find Me by Romily Bernard


I do love the occasional mystery, and this one was pretty darn good! It gave you several options without giving away the ending. I have to admit, while I suspected the person at one point (although I suspected a couple different people), I didn’t figure it out until the end. I love that it wasn’t predictable! I tend to figure things out before the characters do, so it was refreshing to be surprised.

Norcut says that was probably why my mom jumped. She thought she’d never get control of her life again, and suicide was the only choice she had left that didn’t involve him. I think it’s nice that Norcut has an explanation for everything. Ever since that little comment, I’ve been pouring coffee into her office orchids. We’ll see if she can explain why they all die.

Wick was a decent lead. She did what she thought was right (she compared herself to Robin Hood) even though most people looked down on her for hacking. She was pretty cool, too – um, hellooo, she dyed her hair ‘superhero red.’ And did I mention she was sarcastic? Which of course I loved. But she was very bitter, almost to an extreme.

It must be nice to still believe in people, to think they really do care about each other.

She trusted no one, and expected anything good to end quickly (she didn’t hang up her stuff because ‘it just makes everything take longer when we have to leave’). She expected people to let her down, to stab her in the back. Which in a way, I can understand. She’s been through so much, and people do suck. But there are still good people out there.

Enter Griff. Griff!!!!! Oh how I adored him! He was sweet and was the perfect balm to Wick’s bitter soul. I loved how he called her Wicked, it was so cute!

“You’re the first girl I’ve ever met who’s smart and never plays stupid. You’re small, but you don’t back down.”

The romance was slow and sweet, it was great! I love it when relationships don’t move too quickly.

There was one point when they figured something out about the killer where I was all, HOLY CRAP. It was such an intense scene! Just one creepy sentence, and I felt the shock too, setting my heart to pounding. Like I said, intense.

I enjoyed the journey Wick took in figuring out what happened to Tessa Waye, and I would definitely recommend this if you’re looking for a good mystery!

Favorite quote:
I round the corner into the living room just as Lily pulls a bright pink dress on top of her school clothes. It has a fitted bodice and full skirt. There’s some sort of lace on the sleeves. It’s very girly and would take a round of rhino tranqs to make me wear it.
Baha, she sounds like me!

Plot: 4.5/5
Writing style: 4.5/5
Characters: 4/5
Pace: 5/5
Cover: 4/5