A review by catsluvcoffee
Legacy of the Heart by Danica Favorite


These five novellas span time, following a locket that is passed along from story to story. The first two are set in a historical period, while the last three are contemporary. Each story has a different spin on how the romance develops between the two main characters.

Heritage of Love fell flat for me. It's set at the Chicago world fair in 1893, and revolves around the prejudices of the time. The characters and their stories sounded interesting enough, but seemed a little two-dimensional. It was also a case of love at first site, so that may have diverted my interest. I would have liked to be more invested in this story, but it didn't happen for me.

By Any Other Name was adorable. I liked that this story built onto the first one, following the second sister and her experience with the locket. I enjoyed the matchmakers in this small western town and the efforts of the sheriff to avoid them. A case of mistaken identity leads to a happily ever after. This was more of a practicality growing into true love story. The secondary characters really help make this story so delightful!

Forget Me Not switches to a contemporary story of an antique store's owner and the lawyer who has been sent to evict her. The characters were charming with an unexpected tie to the past. This was a sweet story and probably my favorite. I loved both of the characters personalities and their interactions. A satisfying love story!

The Lost Locket introduces us to two characters who aren't looking for love but find it anyway. Neither of them have love on their radar but sometimes love can't be denied! Cute story and I enjoyed the characters having fun together.

Winning the Fireman's Heart launches us into the story of two very good friends who have not been so lucky in love. Their story follows them as they realize that their true love has been right in front of them the whole time. Witty dialogue and a humorous incidents!

Great summer read! Sweet and innocent romances aimed towards Christian readers!