A review by galian84
Mercy for Animals: One Man's Quest to Inspire Compassion and Improve the Lives of Farm Animals by Nathan Runkle, Gene Stone


This book has effectively reinforced my decision to be a monthly donor for MFA. What fantastic work they do, and how inspiring Mr. Runkle's story is! And to think he started advocating at such a young age. Most of us see and hear about evil, but don't want to do anything about it. This man did, and what a difference he's making.

I'm not a full-fledged vegan, and am what you would call a flexitarian. I eat 80% vegan/plant based and 20% animal products (mostly when I'm at family gatherings with mine or the boyfriend's family, or if I'm eating somewhere with others where they don't have good vegetarian options). But I care very much about nutrition and where my food comes from, and have always loved animals, all my life.

The book starts off with Nathan Runkle's story and how he eventually founded the organization. He talks about various investigators with MFA and what they documented when they went undercover at factory farms (not for the faint of heart, but informative, eye-opening, and necessary to know. After all, we all have a right to know where our food is coming from and what we're putting in our bodies). It concludes with plant-based companies and options, and a chapter on how you can help to make a difference.

I donate monthly to MFA and will continue to do so, because they're doing wonderful work.

Highly recommended for anyone who's looking for ways to make eating and living more compassionate, anyone who loves animals, and anyone who wants to know where our meat and dairy and eggs truly comes from (at least, 99% of it).