A review by annareadsmysteries
A Death in the Parish by Richard Coles


Congratulations to me for my first DNF of 2024....

Am I disappointed? Not entirely. My January was going to well anyway.

I've struggled through book one and while it had some fun elements, I wasn't sure it was for me.
Not to worry, I am sure now.

I'm a firm believer in second chances, especially, when it comes to debut authors. In this case, I've failed to acknowledge however, that while yes, Richard Coles is the new writer on the block, he's also a clergyman... which means that his book is 50% theology, 30% dogs and 10% trying to make freaking Audrey funny and only 10% is about the actual murder....

Was this worse than book one? 100% yes.
I've managed to read about 140 pages and decided to put it down right after the murder.
Let me just say this much - you are EITHER keeping this a cozy mystery or not. You can't blab on for 140 pages about dogs, church things, and nature and then start murdering children. Period.

There were so many other cringe moments in those 140 pages... and again, Audrey comes to mind. Yes, at a point I started praying that this character is murdered, but sadly ... she freaking lives on to annoy another day. No character in a cozy mystery should piss you off this much.

.... and I'm sorry, but I'm not done.
Here are another few things that have bothered me:

1. The incredible new rector - that character doesn't make sense at all. And when I say incredible - I mean his actions are not credible. Are you telling me that he's a hippy, he's OK with his children being Goths, but at the same time his very strict when it comes to religion? That he is the one who would need a more 'open-minded' approach to religion? And on top of that, his not OK with his wife preaching? I'm just not buying this character, sorry. It's clear that Coles wanted to create a comparison between the two men - the new guy and himself, pardon, I mean Daniel - but did not know how to make Daniel more likeable without it being too much on the nose.

2. The cat vs dog stories - frankly, I think Coles hate cats (if you read book one and book two, have a think... tell me I'm wrong) What side drama is this? Who asked for it?

3. What the heck is the E of C way of doing something? On page 62 I've encountered it 4 freaking times already... It's not going to stick.

4. Anyone else saw the small 'surprises' coming miles away? (I'm talking about the dog issue and the confession about a certain lady-friend)

So - I thought it through. Even if I finish this book, this will never get more than 2 stars and I'm just wasting time over here.
This made my TBR shorter - now I have a series less to finish.

And if anyone ever compares his books with Miss Marple again, I will scream :)