A review by ettuladyblue
Talon by Julie Kagawa


There's a song by The Smiths called Hand in Glove with the lyrics "No, it's not like any other love/
This one is different, because it's us..." and never has a song been so apt. Our snowflake protagonist (nicknamed "Firebrand" by the rogue dragon because of course) is so different because she's a conflicted teenage girl with boy problems AND scales. Beautiful. Were I younger, I would have devoured this. This was my former jam and I'm unabashed by my shameful, YA Paranormal past.
Read to enjoy teenage angst and drama. Did not disappoint--very over the top and extreme emotions with a bit of "BUT I'M A DRAGON" thrown in there. I'd be remiss to not mention that our teenage dragon ninja protagonist is named EMBER with her dragon brother DANTE, who have red hair and green eyes in their human forms. OH WOW GUYS WHO COULD THE DRAGONS BE?!?!
How Talon has apparently been hidden for all these years is a gloriously hand-waved mystery, but it's different because it's dragons. I spent a lot of time laughing to myself--between the really paper thin teenage characters (special shout out to Garrett, the conflicted enemy soldier who is the greatest 17 year old soldier ever and has "gunmetal" eyes), the obvious bad guys (Scary Talon lady...you have to be tough but fair to seduce people to the dark si-I mean Talon how are you considered good at your job) and just...paranormal frippery. Take away the dragons and you have a very typical paranormal YA romance, complete with love triangle and unneeded switching perspectives.
I will compliment my avatar in this, Wes. Drink your redbull and be slightly British (and maybe in your thirties) forever my friend. I'd read a whole series on you.