A review by jecinwv
Manic: A Memoir by Terri Cheney


This book was really insightful. I went backwards and read her second memoir first, last year. I started this memoir without knowing that it was the same author. I liked that I listened to it on audio book. The experiences she explains feel so familiar to me. The descriptions are guttural and real. While my experience is quite different from Terri's she has a great way of explaining what her experience is in a relatable way. I felt like I was able to be open with myself and this book in a space where I could accept my disorder. I know many say that this book includes a lot of shallow things: privilege, money, white culture, vanity...I can say that I heard those things and cringed at them. This is the memoir of a rich white woman from a middle class background with a good education. This colors the experience. Yet, this book was well written and the author tells her story without sugar-coating.