A review by mweis
The Luis Ortega Survival Club by Sonora Reyes


 *I received an eARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*

Sonora Reyes' debut The Lesbiana's Guide to Catholic School made me sob in the parking lot of the gym, so I was a little terrified of going into their sophomore release. While I didn't love it as much as I loved The Lesbiana's Guide, I still think this was an incredible book and so important for teens to have.

Ariana is autistic and selectively mute. Her parents are going through a rough patch and her mom treats her as a therapist and friend rather than a child, and at school is she is mostly ignored because she doesn't talk. So when Luis Ortega starts paying attention to her, Ari is excited and flattered, but then he assaults her at a party. This all happens in the first chapters and is in the synopsis, but what follows is Ari coming to understand what happened to her and how to move forward. She makes friends and navigates a crush and creates a better relationship with her parents.

While this book centers a rape, it is more so about Ariana's growth and recovery and is surprisingly sweet despite the tough nature of the book. Sonora Reyes writing is incredible and I love that their books center queer Latinx characters and tackle serious topics with so much care and nuance. I will absolutely read everything they write.