A review by potatochipswhat
Destined for Doon by Carey Corp, Lorie Langdon


This book was very cute. I enjoyed it very much, a fun read with interesting characters and relationships.

This might be an unpopular opinion here, but the whole Scottish accents are throwing me off.

It was a captivating read, finished it in pretty much one day. One thing about this book was that it was pretty slow paced, with only some real action kicking in near the end. Even the action ending against the witch was too short and easily accomplished. Mackenna's struggles with herself and forgiveness is understandable, but reminded me of a little bit of Harry Potter or a generic, twelvie novel that came after. The lesson learnt was to forgive yourself to be able to overcome your weaknesses, which seemed kind of boring to me and a bit.... meh.

One character i sincerely adored was Duncan. Although his name isn't my favourite (tbh) i loved Finn better. He was such a bae the whole time; especially the end where i cried too much. I loved Mackenna and Duncan's relationship, and in my opinion it trumps Veronica and Jamie's.
Their relationship had so much more dimension, although they were both frustrating at times, just proved to me what a big softie Duncan was. I love him.

Mackenna was originally my not so favoured character because she was very outspoken in the first book, but i really grew to love her in this installment. I loved her perspective, her mentions of modern world things and her hilarious way of entangling her modern life with life in Doon. I mostly found myself looking forward to Mackenna chapters and Veronica ones were a bit lagging.

I also noticed that both MacCrae brothers have a knack for sneaking up on their significant others? Amirite? At every single freaking ball, Duncan or Jamie appears in front of them. Like at the church Duncan appears to Kenna, then when Kenna's singing he appears out of nowhere. Veronica was dancing and Jamie appeared. I get it, the boys love them and are following them because they care. But neither of the two girls barely got any full alone time where they could just be by themselves and connect with the reader. Maybe some thoughtful thoughts from them wandering through the forest or the ball, then bam! Jamie or Duncan shows up.

The elements in Veronica and Jamie's relationship weren't as nicely played out as Kenna and Duncan. Though I understand because K and D were the main focus of this installment. A good element that was set up was the trust issues and protectiveness and not always a smooth relationship. These issues in their relationship were mostly glossed over, fixed by some smooth words from Jamie and topped off with a load of kissing. Not complaining about it, but their relationship seemed really physical but not entirely emotional. That's my I didn't like Jamie so much; he was consistently quite rough with Veronica ( wrist grab and swivel is not cool etc.).

Overall, a worthwhile read, mostly here for Kenna and Duncan cuteness. Cliffhanger at the end leaves me wanting more - see you in the next book!