A review by jeslyncat
Eve by Anna Carey


THIS is the dystopian-style that has been missing lately! It's great. "Eve" is an accomplishment, and I was really glad that I decided to read it, I almost didn't.

The continuity, the reality, and the emotion that Carey wrote this book with is amazing, and is the opposite of the awful YA I've been reading lately. All of the characters are great, I can't think of a single thing I would change about any of them-even her secondary characters are so...real, and memorable, that I was almost upset when they were no longer an aspect of the story.

I love the action, and I especially love the government style. I've gotten so sick of these big-bad governments that seem driven by invisible forces, but Carey has given her rulers a face and motivation that is beyond realistic.

I also love the bravery that Carey has in her story, she was not afraid to kill people or make them just disappear. It's great. I can't wait to read "Once"!