A review by morganreadsya
Blaine for the Win by Robbie Couch


thank you netgalley for the arc!

so, i was given an arc in exchange for an honest review. so i AM going to be honest. after the first 2 chapters, i honestly thought i was going to dnf this book, which was disappointing because i was super excited when i got given the arc and when i was finally able to get around to starting it. my reasoning was because the writing style in the beginning was WAY too hard for me to follow, it felt like every sentence had 5 adjectives and by the time i had finished reading a sentence or paragraph, i had already forgotten what was being described. maybe the fault in this writing style is due to the fact that i have aphantasia, which is a fancy way of saying i can't "see pictures" in my mind so therefore all this detail trying to describe the scene was lost in translation because i am not actively PICTURING the scene.

that being said, i decided i wanted to give the book a fair chance as again, i was excited about it and have no problems with it besides a personal issue. so my goal was to at least finish 5 chapters and then see how i felt. and needless to say, that night of "attempting" to read from chapter 3-5 ended in me reading over 100 pages, and 9 chapters in one day! i was hooked! either the writing style changed over (maybe all the heavily detailed descriptions were just to "establish" the book?) or maybe i got used to it and stopped noticing. point was i started to really enjoy it and kept ready with no issues anymore, which i was grateful for!

i am also aware this is a legally blonde retelling (or it has references or something?) which i can't exactly comment on how close it is to that as i've never seen legally blonde but maybe after this i will watch it to see the comparison ahaha

overall, i started this book off thinking it was gonna be a dnf and ended it rating it 5 stars and having a new book on my "favs" list! i would for sure recommended this to anyone who is looking for a book that will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions, it made me feel happy, upset, hopeful, had moments where i wanted to throw my kindle out the window, it also made me laugh out loud and it melted my heart. if you pick up this book and struggle with the beginning like i did, i promise after the first few chapters it is very worth it!

ps. the fact that the only non-queer main characters in this book, are the adults?? mwah chefs kiss.