A review by blodeuedd
Thornbrook Park by Sherri Browning Erwin


This one felt different as it was a widow and a second son that fell in love.

Eve married someone not of her class and was disowned. She loved her husband and then he died. Now she is back in England. She was, well honestly normal ;) A good woman.

Marcus has PTSD and has left the life of a soldier. He uses his rage as a fighter. He was also normal, it feels like I am at a loss for words here but they were both normal, nice, he had small issues and they fell in love.

The setting is 1906 so yes Edwardian romance was another thing that was different, and interesting.

But life is never easy. There is suspense in this novel too as, oh I shall not say, but something from the past comes haunting them. And a bit of drama as Marcus's sister in law tries to play matchmaker and not between him and Eve.

A nice romance with a suspenseful twist.