A review by jessicaesquire
The Ice House by Minette Walters


I was complaining on Twitter that I don't have enough mystery series to follow or mystery authors who are consistently putting out great books. Minette Walters was someone I'd never heard of before, but she was recommended by author Stephanie Gayle and I'm hugely grateful for it. I feel like Walters and I will have a long and happy relationship.

With The Ice House Walters manages to update the old-school Christie-style manor-house mystery with modern characters and settings. (Regular references to lesbianism, alcoholism, birth control, etc. help remind you that you're not in one of those old 30's novels, but it's easy to forget with Walters' breezy yet classic style.) It's a fairly complex plot that starts off appearing quite simple, another Christie hallmark. Everything does get shaken out in the end, and the answers are both unexpected and totally logical.

I will definitely be reading much more Walters, hopefully my library has her entire repertoire. How did I go this long without knowing about her??