A review by lnatal
A Scots Quair by Lewis Grassic Gibbon


A gift from my dear friend Bettie!!

This trilogy is composed by the following books:

4* Sunset Song, see My review here.

3* Cloud Howe, see My review here.

In this last book, Grey Granite, there are four sections which are called after different constituents of granite: Epidote ( a greenish silicate of calcium, aluminum, and iron), Sphene (whose crystals are wedge-shaped and which contains the element titanium - strong, light, corrosion-resistant), Apatite (consisting of calcium phosphate and fluoride), and Zircon (a tetragonal mineral, of which jacinth and jargon are varieties - jacinth is reddish orange, and jargoon brilliant and colorless).

Tom Wintringham (editor of Left Review), he termed this last book as "the best novel written this side the Channel since Hardy stopped writing".