A review by kimster82
Ghostland by Jory Strong


I didn't really care about the story but this is what I know: Aisling is a female shaman, who has a pet ferret and then people came and took her with them so she could leave home, live by herself in the house of the previous dead shaman and solve any kind of mystery that involves the dead, the living, everybody. People just keep asking for her to do stuff. The confusing part was that they seemed to live in a time without electricity but this world is actually post-apocalyptic, and I kept forgetting it's set with more or less modern touches. Cars, blow dryers,... all present. Ever time something like that popped up I was surprised, I don't know why really.

To make things more confusing: At a certain point they went to some kind of club called Sinners and then there was a voting thing and then Aisling and Zureal were voted out by a couple who asked them to 'come play' before they even had the chance to take of their coats. They turned down the couple and then they got kicked out. Or something. And then fought and went home. And had sex of course. Lots of times.

I almost fell asleep during those sex scenes, that's how bad it was. It's not because wasn't action packed enough. It's not like I was expecting more gymnastics because believe me, both Aisling and Zurael were trying to make it reaaaaally good. How they managed to make intercourse seem boring is beyond me. Maybe it was all the fuss they made about each other's hair. They kept wanting to wash and comb through it for some reason.

While I was reading this book I felt annoyed by how easily both characters were turned on by each other. Yes instant attraction, I get it. But I've never had the pleasure of having my nipples turn into bullets whenever I see a hot guy. Aisling and him didn't even need to be in the same room for it to happen. She: 'Oh hey, that plant over there sorta kinda looks like Zurael if I squint hard enough... OMG I'M SO AROUSED.' He:'Hmmm linoleum... wow look at the bulge in my pants!' (Thank you Xander, I still love that line) And it was like that constantly. In the first chapter or so, Aisling and Zurael are enemies. But 6 lines into the second chapter they are making the neighbors blush. They didn't talk, they just humped each other a lot. And even during that their conversations didn't go any farther than her moaning 'please' 56 times and he grunted and said her name a lot. Aisling kept having a serious case of 'fluids pooling her folds'. I really don't find that sexy. Seriously, it's called a diaper, use it.

Seriously, I'm not making this up. It is just that ridiculous. I didn't read the entire book, so maybe it got better after where I gave up. Again, this is a book I wanted to like, I mean come on, look at the cover! It's gorgeous!

Arlene, I'm sorry to disappoint you with my links, if I do come up with something appropriate, I'll let you know but probably not. It's more fun when you don't know what's coming ^^