A review by aceline_____
How to Live When You Could Be Dead by Deborah James


"Deborah James' book, 'How to Live When You Could Be Dead,' is like a guide to living your best life, and it's also a powerful story of her journey through cancer. It's not just a regular book; it's more like hanging out with a cool friend who knows how to face tough times with a smile.
In these pages, James shares her own cancer journev in a way that feels like chatting with a buddy. It's not a serious lecture; it's more like a fun playlist of life lessons. She talks about dealing with challenges, finding humor in hard moments, and just enjoying life.
It's not just a story; it's an upbeat vibe, an invitation to dance through tough times and find hope even when things get rough. So, if you want a book that feels like a chat with a friend, shares a powerful cancer journey, and gives you a backstage pass to living your best life, 'How to Live When
You Could Be Dead' is the one.'