A review by kchewreviews
The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale


After hearing about Shannon Hale time and time again from Enna I finally decided to pick up this book. I'm glad that I did too!

What a unique book. I could not and still cannot get over how unique the storyline was! With all of the books today being dystopian or paranormal/supernatural, this was a breath of fresh air for me. I will admit that there have been books about princess' going "undercover" or in disguise too, but Shannon Hale added so much of her own touch that it was like nothing I have ever read.Ani can talk/understand animals. Animals. Can anything be cooler?

Ani was such a great protagonist. She was smart, cunning, and even funny at times. The only issue I had was that while she was great, I didn't really connect with her. I loved reading about her struggles, but I didn't ever really feel bad for her or worry for her. Does that make sense?

Shannon Hale is a wonderful storyteller. I loved the way she paced all of the events in the book, there was never a dull moment for me. There were times when I could guess what was going to happen, but it was still an entertaining story.

Overall I enjoyed this book. It was such an entertaining book and I recommend it to everyone! It wasn't my favorite book, but it was one of those books that just made my day.