A review by kitvaria_sarene
The End of the World Running Club by Adrian J. Walker


It was fluently written, so I stuck with it to the end.
But it never really sucked me in. I didn't really care for any o the characters - and when they were in danger I shrugged it of, instead of holding my breath.
The main character is a whiny male, who is so unfortunate as to have a wife and to children, and a job - so of course he has the hardest life possible... No wonder he has to whine and drink. *rolls eyes*

It read more like a drama with some occasional action sequences - and if that is what you are looking for, it might be just your book. But I didn't know what it was about - I started it because it was the first book published by the German Tor branch "Fischer Tor" and I was very curious about their books.

I don't plan to read anything else by the same author.