A review by ellemnop_autihd
Revolutionary Mothering: Love on the Front Lines by Mai'a Williams, China Martens, Alexis Pauline Gumbs


This is such an important book full of so many gems. These are just a few of my favorite quotes:

“I try not to get overwhelmed by being a mother to a daughter; in magic healing the body trusts our resiliency. She knows she’s strong, powerful and her body is hers and to trust her tummy feelings, and then I let go.” Body Memory, Fabiola Sandoval

“Perhaps the kind of home we need today is mobile, multiple, and underground.
Perhaps we need to become unavailable for state scrutiny so that we can experiment with reorganizing our social relations in revolutionary ways.
Against the rallying cry of freedom, I propose to embed rev- olutionary struggle in a politics of necessity and responsibility, a politics that enhances our encumbrance upon each other while re- jecting the extension of our dependence on state and capital.”
Mothering as Revolutionary Praxis, Cynthia Dewi Oka

“The birth of my child was the birth of a radical. I no longer had the luxury of dying young.” She Is a Radical, Tara Villalba and Lola Mondragón