A review by tani
The Demon's Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan


In the interest of rounding up, this is 5 stars, but in reality I'd call it 4.5. The beginning was a little slow, and I was a little frustrated, I think. I'm one of those readers who tends to empathize with the POV character, and Nick is one of those stereotypical characters that intrigues me so thoroughly. I think I was so busy feeling for Nick that I couldn't for the life of me figure out why Alan didn't realize just how much Nick cared for him. As a result, I wasn't too fond of him to start out with. That made it hard for me to get into the book.

I think things started to pick up for me after the Goblin Market, when Mae and Jamie moved in. Alan started to show some hidden depths, and Nick's actions became more and more emotionally dysfunctional. Who wouldn't be interested in that?

The best thing was the ending though, and it earns a clear 5 stars all by itself. Nick as a demon came as a huge shock to me, and yet it made so much sense. I really think that Sarah Rees Brennan handled that part of the novel beautifully. Likewise, the very end, when Nick makes his choice, was perfect. I loved the way he drifted, not sure what to do, resisting what it was so clear that he wanted, until he realized that Alan was still in danger, and then there was really no choice at all.

I'm really excited for the next book in this series!