A review by streetsmcrts
Black Panther: The Junior Novel by Jim McCann


in a short way, i'd like to say: nothing special from this. but it's entertaining me. here's some not that i take for the longer thoughts:

- i didn't find anything that extraordinary here. i know the ideas and diversed characters in black panther are amazing, but the storytelling from the book version feels like really plain. i even not thrilled when reading this. plus we only know the movie plotline until the middle, so we wouldn't find any main problems in this book. (but well, it's pretty worth it if you want spoilers from the movie *cough*)

- what i really love and expect more after reading this book are all the characters. in the book, they have such a wonderful development, especially for t'challa (all hail our king), shuri, nakia, and ross (also a hint for erik killmonger). and also, the diversity too!

- i also love the "aftermath" snippet from this book. even the whole plot and storytelling sounds like a fanfiction of t'challa/ross in ao3 (no offense but really, it reminds me a lot with those fanfic), i love how the writer described both of the characters just like themself. some of the conversations are also pretty funny and a bit sarcastic (just like everett ross), which makes me like it even more.

it's hard to give rating for this kind of novelization. i guess, 3.2 stars for this.

(note: for anyone who read this review until the end, thank you for listening my rambles and enthusiasm for this movies and characters. if you also pumped up for the movie (OR LOVE T'CHALLA AND ROSS LMAO), please kindly slips a message to my inbox eheheh)