A review by alyssaindira
The Star-Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi


Hey guys, so I finished The Star Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi and I probably would have finished it sooner, but I kinda didn't want to finish the book to be honest. This was due to the fact that from the beginning, the novel had a hard time keeping my interest. Okay, so I don't mind some background details to the characters and whatnot, but in my opinion, this was just overwhelming. Or perhaps crammed in, like the author had too many words and not enough pages. I felt like I would have liked this n0vel better if it was just short and sweet, right to the point. But nooooo, it was all like"this is what this is and it means this to this and this and this is how so and so feels about this and then this over here" I was just like "god, when will this end?!" Seriously. I was c0nstantly skipping over all the frilly and fancy details. I tried to get into the storyline,really, I truly tried, but the writing, gods. Nope. Just too hectic and cluttered for me. Now, I did like Mayas character. I admired her determination and fiery spirit. She just longed to prove she was more than just a read girl walking. And yes, okay, okay, I loved Amar,mostly, Ya, even when he was kind of off the rails,he was the best part of the story. Hmm, I think I liked the flesh eating horse as well, kind grew on me. But other than the interaction between the characters, I was just lost with this n0vel, trying to connect the dots that didn't always connect until towards the end of the novel, where my patience was practically nonexistent, lol. I suppose if you guys want t0 check out this book for yourself, be my guest. Whom am I to tell you what to and not to read?