A review by disreputable_cog
Superdoom: Selected Poems by Melissa Broder


SUPERDOOM is a collection of poems drawn from Melissa Broder’s previous poetry collections. This was my first foray into her poetry, but having read her novel [b:The Pisces|32871394|The Pisces|Melissa Broder|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1500926737l/32871394._SY75_.jpg|53479347] a couple years ago, I found her tone and sensibility instantly recognizable.

Thematically, there is a lot going on that reminded me of the fixations of The Pisces, and this collection succeeded in creating similar sensations of queasiness and debasement that I can’t say I particularly wanted to linger over… but I definitely admire Broder’s effectiveness in conjuring such visceral feelings, especially as they relate to sex, intimacy, and embodiment. And, it should not be left out, she is at times very funny.

There were plenty of good and interesting poems in the collection, but on the whole I found it a little repetitive in tone and style. The frequent “verbing” and “adjectiving” of nouns, coining of new words, etc., while not a practice I object to at all, was perhaps a little overused and contributed to the feeling of homogeneity. Or in another light, a very consistent poetic style.

Thank you to Tin House for the ARC.