A review by giantarms
A Good Mother by Lara Bazelon


I think I heard about this book on a podcast but I don't remember which one because I had to wait a while before the library would give it to me. This is a great lesson in frugality: you too can read the hottest new releases for free if only you wait patiently. Though I admit I have checked on my reservation for [b:No One Is Talking About This|53733106|No One Is Talking About This|Patricia Lockwood|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1601474686l/53733106._SY75_.jpg|84057345] a little more feverishly than necessary so who am I to give advice?

Anyway this is a legal procedural featuring many fucked up people just trying to do their best in life. I really appreciate that nobody here is a saint and nobody here is a demon. Are there egos in need of stroking? Yes. Were some unethical choices made? Yes. Was there a happy ending? I'm not telling.

Major themes include motherhood and family and motherhood. Also, toying with jewelry. However, I don't think legal procedurals are my jam. Still, good job Laura Bazelon, I really did want to know what happened.