A review by dustilane
What You Should Know about Politics... But Don't: A Nonpartisan Guide to the Issues by Jessamyn Conrad


I've read many reviews that gave this book low ratings because they said it didn't go into enough detail about each topic. This wasn't supposed to be some great in-depth analysis! That's not what it set out to be and that's now what we the readers want.
As much as I want to learn about politics and enjoy reading about things that inform me and make me a better citizen, I didn't think I'd be able to get through this book. At the most, I thought I'd read a couple parts and skim the rest. Instead, I read this book cover to cover over the course of a few days. Written with a sure knowledge of the topic and infused with an almost humorous look at our political parties and the issues they argue about, this book was fascinating and had me hooked. I think she did a very good job of remaining neutral, calling out the left and the right many times. This is a great read I'd recommend to anyone new to politics or maybe someone who "thinks" they understand the issues but probably doesn't.

Easy read, very informative. 5/5.

Note: This book was from 2008 I believe so it is a little outdated. Much has happened since this book was published. However, everything is still relevant and is helpful with understanding our current issues. I would really love to see an updated version!