A review by jigsawgirl
A Book A Day Presents Color Theory 3: Let Love Live! by A.M. Kusi, Christy Anderson, Renita McKinney, Renita McKinney


I received the ARC from Lori Collier. I did not get the chance to review all the stories in this book.

Hamilton House - Lori Collier 3.5 stars
A short, fast paced, action filled, paranormal story. The story was full of shifters and witches as well as a house shrouded in magic, and not necessarily a completely positive force.

There was also a touch of romance included between Darius and Everly. There combined strength and love for one another seemed to be the only thing that would allow them to have their HEA.

One Hot Night - Golden Angel 4 stars
This story left me hanging. It wasn't a cliffhanger. I t didn't answer the questions I had left, yet, it made me want to know more about Brian, Rae, Domi, Mitch, and Morgan.

I felt like like the Brian and Rae situation was only resolved for the moment. What was going to happen when they left the private room?

Love Merger - Maddie Wade 5 stars
This was a sweet love story. I liked the way Grace and Gray threw the snark and sarcasm back and forth. They were both likable characters. I was not expecting the surprise Grace's father threw at them. I was glad they got their HEA.

Protecting Sydney - RJ Gray 3.25 stars
I did like this story. I liked Sydney and Wes. I thought Lily was cute. I liked the way Wes was so careful with both Sydney and Lily. Out of the short stories I have read so far, this one had the most suspense which helped to keep me engaged.

I thought the only drawback to their story was that I didn't get much of a sense of Sydney and Wes' interaction. From Sydney's POV, she talked about how she felt closer to Wes, about how he was loving on them, and how he was caring for her with his actions.

Sydney talked about them talking about their lives, but they really had no dialogue in the book that made me feel like they were getting closer to each other. When they did have dialogue, it was about the threat lurking over them.

Rest assured, Wes, Sydney, and Lily did get their HEA.

These were the only short stories I read. If I get the opportunity to read the other stories in the book, I will update the review.

I voluntarily read and reviewed the Advanced Reader Copy of this book.