A review by confessions_of_a_bookaholic
Love Your Life by Sophie Kinsella


When Ava heads to a writing retreat in Italy to focus on finishing her novel the last thing on her mind is finding love. That is atleast until she meets Matt and falls in love at first sight. After a whirlwind romance Matt and Ava return to their normal lives in London. They're both determined that they will make their holiday love a long time thing, but as their real lives start to collide it's one mishap after another. Can they overcome their differences and make their relationship work in the real world? 

I normally love Sophie Kinsella and find her books great light relief. Whilst this one ticked that box in a lot of ways it wasn't my favourite, and I found it easy to put down (especially in the first half or so). 

Plot wise you can kind of get the general gist of this, it follows a trope we're all familiar with, but as I've said many times nobody reads these sorts of books to be surprised. You read them for a happy ending and a giggle along the way. 

I think the thing I found hard about this one was that I found Ava really really irritating! Just about everything about her was grinding my gears, from her 'portfolio career' - read doesn't finish anything, to her refusal to properly train her dog. That last one is a pet peeve of mine actually, as a dog owner myself nothing annoys me more than other dog owners who refuse to take responsibility for how their dogs behave. Anyway back to the book. Ava just was not my cup of tea. She's the kind of protagonist I hate reading about. I did however love Topher and Nihal, they were my favourite characters. 

Things did pick up a bit towards the end, but overall I wasn't really invested in Ava and Matt as a couple, they would have been better off going their separate ways. As I said at the start this wasn't my favourite Kinsella book, but fans of rom coms will find plenty to like.