A review by readingwithmygoldens
The Winter Rose by Jennifer Donnelly


So I was very disappointed in this book. Very. The things I kind of let slide in the first book, only were exaggerated more and just became worse. The coincidences, the drama, the unbelievability of it all...I just kind of had enough. I wanted to throw in the towel at around page 400, however I couldn't find any website in a quick search which gave a full summary so I skimmed the parts about Seamie, which I know continue on to the next book and forged on. I am mostly glad that I did, however I am so sad that the book wasn't for me, what it could have been.

I think part of my problem was I never really like India. I believe this was more personal than anything, but I just never connected with her like I wanted to. It was all so forced to me - YOU MUST LIKE HER - SHE IS THE HEROINE OF THIS STORY - I kind of felt like it was being rammed down my throat and it was a little fake to me. I would have been more than pleased to just continue with Fiona and Joe. The "love story" between India and Sid was very forced to me. It could have been done differently...not so forced. And why was this book so long?? Way too long, this could have ended way before it did.

*Kind of spoilerish**
What really frustrated me so much is that I understand India really wanted to protect her daughter and raise her in a way that made her legitimate since she was Sid's daughter, however she gave up literally her entire life??? She gave up practicing medicine??? She had all the power in the situation I felt when she was negotiating with Freddie - meaning the money - and she just let's him tell her she cannot practice medicine and here she is this really strong woman??? I just don't buy it. So I really was lost after that.

Will I read the last book in the trilogy? Maybe. If I were to pay a 1.00 or 2.00 for it. I certainly would not pay full price. Reason being because I know WWI is going to be a huge factor and that interests me a lot and I want to see how she handles that with the characters.

Overall, very disappointed.