A review by sageorion
Before Watchmen: Comedian/Rorschach by Brian Azzarello


Pretty disappointing. It honestly felt like Comedian and Rorschach were just characters that happened to be in stories about other things, rather than being the main characters of their stories. I was so uninterested in what they were doing that thinking back on it now I barely even remember the plots of either story.

At least Rorschach was somewhat similar to his character in the original graphic novel; Comedian was nothing like he is in Watchmen. Granted, all you see of him in Watchmen is through flashbacks but those short bursts do such an amazing job of establishing his story and developing him as a character that it's pretty sad to see these comics can't manage to do that with him actually being alive during the story. Comedian in Before Watchmen seems to swoop between hugely active manic and then still, frozen depressive. Comedian in Watchmen isn't like that at all -- he's a psychopath, yes, but he's not a manic insane person. Yes, he's all a big show and he's full of power but he's still basically doing the right thing throughout the book. Even though he does bad things, he's still a HERO when it comes down to it. That's part of the reason why he flips out when he figures out Adrian's plan and part of the reason why Adrian has to kill him. But no, none of that characterization is in this Before Watchmen story. It's really sad. Not worth a read.