A review by s_h_a_r_i
The Magician King by Lev Grossman


What a horrible book. The plot was even more all over the place than in the Magicians, the characters were... What exactly? Background noise? Hard to tell, since they hardly related to one another.
And then, of course, comes the-oh-so-essential (NOT) rape scene of the one strong (or remotely intetesting) female character in the entire book. That really was the last straw for me, in an already ridiculous book. I suppose male writers just cannot help it. They HAVE to rape their female characters, and for some reason think of that as a "learning experience" for them, from which they grow. What a load of BS. Fuck that.

Such a fine example of how one shitty bit in a book turns it into a complete waste of time for me. I hope there is never a third book in this series and if there is, i hope to be wise enough not to bother.