A review by romanticread
Friends Like Them by Aimee Nicole Walker


Owen and Tyler have been inseparable since they met in prison. They’ve pretty much been two halves of a whole and we’ve just been waiting for them to finally realize that they were meant to be something more. They’ve always been supportive of each other so it’s a pretty easy transition to a loving, romantic relationship. While there wasn’t a lot of drama in the change, I loved this opportunity to understand their histories and how they got to this point.

I don’t know how Walker keeps giving us such great couples. I saw a few reviews that complained that not much happened or that there wasn’t a lot of angst. Maybe it’s because there was a lot of expectation about what would happen because it’s been hinted at in the previous stories. What we get is a smooth shift from friends to lovers and I’m all for it – I absolutely loved these two together.

**I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.**