A review by steph01924
The Boy Most Likely To by Huntley Fitzpatrick


I had a recollection of the plot of the first book, but to be honest, Sam and Jase's relationship was a blank spot for me. And I can't remember if Tim and Alice were even that much a part of that book. So aside from knowing Mr. Garret's accident and how many kids there were in the family, this was just like reading a brand new story for me.

I was not into Alice and Tim in the beginning. He was already deeply obsessed with her in a way that wasn't really explained, I couldn't see why she even would be into him, knowing what she knew of his spotty past and cleaning up his messes. Her wanting to go on a test date seemed out of left field. Maybe this was all hinted at in the first book, all those parts I'm forgetting?? So that was the weakest piece of this book. Once they were 'together', well, Ms. Fitzpatrick knows how to write some lovely scenes of two people falling in love.

The stuff with Cal was poignant and sad and although the ending felt a bit like a cop-out, it made me breath a sigh of relief that Tim
Spoilerwasn't going to throw his life away to be a dad. Not saying that it wouldn't be a brave choice, and even be mutually beneficial for them both, but, man, he had the odds stacked against him (no education, no income, unsupportive parents), and it just felt too depressingly real-life.

In following with the trend of 'books I've read recently having similar themes', the parts about Alice and her large family were reminding me of Something Real by Heather Demetrios, where the idea is brought up about whether it's selfish for parents to have so many children when they can barely care for them, or spend any quality individual time with them, without burdening the older children to help in a way that some would consider above and beyond what's reasonable. There's no real right answer there, and both books shy away from making any sort of absolute statements.

All in all, this isn't going to be a book that I return to, and I will probably forget a lot of the details, but it was well-written and definitely sucked me in until I had to finish it. I will still keep an excited eye out for future books from Huntley Fitzpatrick.