A review by nickymaund
Little Bandaged Days by Kyra Wilder


A young mother moves to Switzerland with her husband and two young children thanks to his new job. His new job that has him working all manner of hours and is hardly ever home. Leaving the mum home alone with the kids in a different country, with different customs and a different language that she can’t speak or understand. She’s completely isolated and has no support at all. Little Bandaged Days is her story as her mental health declines and her grasp of reality becomes more and more muddled. Leaving the reader confused as you question whether what you have read is fact or her confused view on reality. Written in an unusual manner as there’s no traditional form of speech in the book and the only name mentioned in the book is the made up name she invents for another mum she comes across in her daily travels. Her children and husband are only referred to by their first initial - keeping the reader detached from these characters as you go along with the mum as her health worsens, and it also helps add to the confusion of her story. You really feel for her whilst she was in the middle of the frightening moments. What was also really poignant for me was how her husband, when he did come home (apparently) spotted no change in his wife’s health and (apparently) did little to support her. Added to the confusion was the snippets interspersed in the book where the mum is (apparently) talking to visitors whilst she’s in a hospital. A really good (confusing) story that was just a little too long in parts.