A review by starkling
Rock Legend by Tara Leigh


Messy. Too much drama that even reaches the last stretch of the book. Author relied on it to keep tension up, but for me it just came across as annoying by the end. Tension can be done without using so many of these stereotypical plot points.

Speaking of stereotypical, what happens with Piper's ex-boyfriend was eye-rolling and questionable to say the least.
SpoilerI wish more authors knew it's okay to be bi. I had my hopes that the ex would stay bi and showed some representation. But nah, he's a closeted gay man who used Piper for a beard. Don't get me started on how Piper thought he would make a great "gay best friend" now...I can't.

I did really like the first 30% of the book. Also liked the inclusion of Landon's addictive personality and how that ends up getting him in trouble with alcohol and drugs more often than not. That part was handled well. It was more than enough drama for our couple to tackle and could have edited out 50% of the rest.

If you want to know the many messy things:
Spoiler *mild ow drama (x2) (yes it happens TWICE, two different situations), *om drama (that dabbles in gay-ex boyfriend drama), *pregnancy drama (that dabbles in "who's the baby daddy drama"), *lots of various miscommunication drama.