A review by delaniegarcia
A Time for Witches by Lynne Hansen


To be honest, I fell asleep the first two times I started to read this, but it turned out to be much better than I had expected. Surprisingly, I learned quote a bit about Colonial America and have the story as something that will stay in the back of my mind. While I could have done without the useless facts about Puritan diets and illnesses, it allowed for a much more interesting read.

Now, for the story: I actually really enjoyed it. Although a bit confusing and slow towards the beginning, once the plot began to unfold I found it much easier to read and much more entertaining. Also, the romance develops quite subtley and slowly, which is just how I like it. Definitely going to read the next books like ASAP as May 14 is looming over me and I need to pass that AP test.