A review by bibliorey
Twisted Hate by Ana Huang


did this just topped twisted love and twisted games for me in my rankings of the twisted series books i’ve read so far? absolutely it did.

“sometimes, people change. and sometimes, they meet people who make them want to change.”

alex volkov may have uttered those words but it sure as hell fits josh and jules so much more. a doctor in the making and a lawyer in the making so we LOVE to see the competition. literal enemies to literal fucking lovers and if that’s not my favourite trope for years now no matter how cliché it is, i don’t know what is.

perhaps i enjoyed this more so than twisted games which i finished yesterday as it felt more like a direct sequel to alex and ava’s story in twisted love compared to bridget and rhys’ which was set more in her kingdom compared to the surroundings of her friends a.k.a the other characters in the series. quite understandable actually considering her being a royal and all. but oh my god, i thought alex and ava was on the top of my list, that is until i deVOURED josh and jules’ story.

they’re almost like academic/working rivals with their job being in the same hospital (josh a doctor and jules a law associate), and their banters with each other was just so good that it made me laugh and it also made me shudder with chills when it intensifies the “situation” that they’re in. jules’ dark past was something that i didn’t see coming at all and it was craycray and i love how craycray it was. josh was THE man for jules (except for that one “revenge” scene, fuck him honestly, i’d beat him to a pulp if i could cos that was so fucking wrong). he acts like he doesn’t care for her in the beginning but it just shows very early on that he has so much care for her deep down despite them being mortal “enemies”. i’m not even gonna get into the spice because whew. what the fuck