A review by thebashfulbookworm
It Takes Heart by Tif Marcelo


Four Stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐

It Takes Heart, by Tif Marcelo is a romance filled with angsty, family drama, with interesting characters and a heroine and hero worth rooting for.

Publishers Blurb:
Heart Resort, a private resort in the Outer Banks, is a romantic getaway for couples but a hotbed of family drama for its proprietors, the Puso family. Brandon Puso, the youngest of the four siblings, prefers life on his own as a licensed contractor in DC after a falling-out with his eldest brother.

After a hurricane plows through the Outer Banks, Brandon has a change of heart. He returns to the resort to help with the grand reopening but encounters his big sister’s best friend, designer Geneva Harris, who’s there to do the same thing. But Geneva and Brandon have a secret. Years ago, they had a secret romance that ended in heartbreak.

With the resort’s future at stake, Brandon and Geneva decide to put the past aside and to keep peace with the family. But as their mutual attraction heats up, they have to decide if history will repeat itself—or if this time, love gets a second chance.

My take:
I read to learn about new experiences, places, cultures and ideas, and “It Takes Heart” by Tif Marcelo, gave me all that. I enjoyed learning about this Filipino/American family and how they integrate their culture into their business, family and daily lives. I also enjoyed the main location, the Outer Banks, as it’s always fun to learn about places I’ve never been to in person.

The main characters, Geneva and Brandon, each have their share of emotional baggage and this book fully explores how they each deal with it and learn how to move on and learn to love.

The family dynamics and drama in this book is very good. I hope the author gives some of the brothers and the sister their own story too. The cast of supporting characters are also well rounded and full of their own drama. I enjoyed the way the family supports each other and loves each other.

I highly recommend this book and I plan to explore the Authors’ other titles as I like her writing style and her character development.

This review is based on NetGalley ARC provided in exchange for an honest, unbiased opinion.